Friday, 19 April 2013

Where do you go when you die? Part 1: Eternal Realities

Once upon a time there was a man who loved his son very much. He taught him how to catch a baseball, he coached his hockey team, he took great pride in him and supported him in all his ventures and passed on those life lessons that fathers pass down to their sons. As with all children, they grow up and as they do the times when you can pass on your wisdom get fewer and fewer. The same was true for this father and son.  

It was the summer just before his last year of high school, the last year before his son would be leaving home, that the father arranged a fishing trip for them both. After both father and son had drowned a couple of worms each the father asks his son: “So .. what are your plans for this year?”

“Well,” says the son “I plan on continuing on with basketball, cut back in some my extracurricular activities and studying hard so I can hopefully a scholarship.”

“And then what?” says the father.

“Well, I would like to get my science degree.”

“Oh,” says the father “and then what?”

“Well, with my science degree can open a lot of doors, but I hope to become a doctor.”

“And then what?”

“Well, I would like to get married, have a couple of kids and work on my career.”

“And then what?”

“I hope to be a good dad and husband and I hope to do well financially.”

“And then what?”

“Probably retire, travel, and spend time with my grandkids.”

“And then what?”

“I will probably get old and eventually die.”

Then the father puts down his rod and looks his son in the eyes and after a moment or two says “And then what?”

“What do you mean?” asks the son

“All you have talked about are your plans for this life, you haven’t thought about the next at all.”  

Our text today is out of 2 Corinthians 4 and 5.  “Our bodies are gradually decaying and becoming weaker. [I can certainly give a testimony on that one]  But our spirits inside of us are growing stronger each day.  These little troubles that we face here on earth are getting us ready for an eternal glory that will make all of our troubles seem like nothing.  [Now listen to this]  The things that are seen don’t last forever but the things that are not seen are eternal.  That’s why we keep our minds on the things that we cannot see. [That’s why we are having this series.] Our bodies are like tents that we live in here on earth.  But when these tents are destroyed God will give us each a new place to live and our new bodies and homes are in heaven and they will last forever.  These physical tents that we now live in right now are heavy burdens and we groan not just because we want to leave these bodies that are going to die but because we want to exchange them for bodies that will never die.  God is the one who makes all of this possible and He has given us His Spirit to make certain that He will do it.  So always be cheerful.  As long as we are in these earthly bodies we are away from the Lord.  So we live by faith and not by what we see.  [I can’t see God.  I can’t see heaven.  I can’t see angels.  I can’t see all the spiritual realities so he says we live by faith not by what we see.] We’d rather leave these bodies and be at home with the Lord [In other words in heaven] but whether we’re with the Lord or whether we’re away from Him we still try our best to please Him.  After all Christ will judge each of us for the good or the bad that we do while living in these bodies.”

The point of our opening story, the point of this series and the point that Paul is making here in 2 Corinthians is that our world and our lives made up of more than just physical realities, there are spiritual realities too. Like the young lad in our opening story most of us spend our time completely focusing on the physical realities of life that we ignore the spiritual realities of life. Yet Jesus came to this world because of the spiritual realities of life, He preached about the spiritual realities of life, He was nailed to the Cross because of the spiritual realities of life, and He rose again because of the spiritual realities of life. Instead of focusing our lives solely on the physical and the here-and-now, we should be living our lives in the light of these spiritual realities. These are the eternal realities that are going to last forever.    

Our word for the day that we all read together from 1 Corinthians 13:12 says “Right now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim reflection of reality.  But one day we shall see reality face to face.” 

What are the realities of life and what are the realities of the universe? 

They’re all found in our Bible, God’s word.  This morning I want us to look at five spiritual realities that we need to live our lives in the light of.  

The first reality of life is this: God made you to love you.  And He wants you to learn to love Him back.  That is the first and foremost reality of life, that God exists and He made you to love you and He wants you to love Him back. That is one of the reasons we call God “Father” instead of Creator. It speaks of the personal, intimate relationship that He has with us. He gave us life with love and joy in His heart and wants us to feel the same about Him.  

You were made by God and you were made for God.  Until you understand that, life isn’t going to make sense.  Because it’s all about God and it’s all for His glory.  God made you and He made you to love you.  We are the children of God. He created us in love and He’s given us the capacity to get to know Him and learn to love Him back.  That’s the first purpose of life – to learn to love God back.  That is what the great commandment is all about “Love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.  Love your neighbor as yourself.”  God is saying I made you to love you and I want you to learn to love Me back. It is all through the Bible.  

Jeremiah 31:3 says “I have loved you with an everlasting love.  And with unfailing love I have drawn you to Myself.”  God says “I’m trying to draw you to Me.  I want you to get to know Me.  And I want you to understand how much I love you.”  He wants you to know and love Him back. We see this love displayed in John 3:16 which says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”

Because God is love, He gave humanity life at creation. He then offered humanity eternal life again through Christ. God continues to offer humanity His life because He still is love - perfect love. He never changes.

When people are drawn to accept God’s offer of love and life in Christ, they are born again and called children of God. The Apostle John affirms this truth when he writes, “See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God.” God loves us so much He intimately endears us to Himself by calling us His children. We are so completely loved by God that nothing will separate us from Him.

We see this clearly through the words of the Apostle Paul when he says, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord

The second great reality of life is this: you were made to last forever.

One day your heart’s going to stop and that’s going to be the end of your body but it’s certainly not going to be the end of you.  The Bible says that you and I, as human beings, were created in the image of God which means God put in us eternity.  In fact, the Bible says this in Ecclesiastes 3:11 “He has planted eternity in the human heart.”  That’s why, no matter how good things are going for us, at one point in our lives we start saying to ourselves “There’s got to be more than this.” We say this because at some level we know that God has placed eternity in our hearts. 

And the truth is there is more than this. There is much more. Heaven.  You’re going to spend far more time on the other side of death than on this side.  On this side you get sixty, eighty, a hundred years.  On the other side of death, you get trillions and trillions and trillions of years.  This is the warm up act, the preschool, the first lap around the racetrack.  But the real life is going to go on in eternity. 

The Bible says that this side is getting ready for that side.  Life is preparation for eternity.  You were made to last forever.  And He put eternity in your heart. 

Because of that we have the third great reality of life.  The third great reality is that God has prepared two eternal places – heaven and hell. 

Heaven is real and hell is real.  And by the way, they’re not just states of being.  They’re not some kind of Morpheus, no body, float in the clouds.  They are literal places.  There’s a real place called heaven and there is a real place called hell.  We’re going to look at these for the next two weeks.

The Bible tells us first that there’s a real heaven.  Jesus said this in John 14:2-3 “I’m going to prepare a place for you.”  Notice.  Heaven is not an accident.  It’s a prepared place.  He says “I’m going to prepare a place for you.”

Notice it’s a place.  It’s not a state of being.  It is an actual place.  I’m going to prepare a place.  And who is heaven prepared for?  For you.  God prepared it for you.  To be a part of His family.  He says “And if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am you may be also.”  I am there and I want you to come to. That is the miracle of Easter. 

The Bible tells us a lot about heaven and we will be looking at that in weeks to come.  But ebfore we move on let’s look at Matthew 25:34 Jesus says “Come you who are blessed by My Father.  Take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you  [There it is again God preparing heaven for us.]  since the creation of the world.”

Notice that when God created the world He was also creating heaven. Why?  Because this is not your permanent resting spot.  This is not your permanent abode. Since the very beginning God has been working to bring His children home. Heaven is a real place.

But hell is also a real place.  Notice what the Bible says, “Jesus said, ‘Then He [God] will say to those on His left ‘Depart from Me you who are cursed into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’” Satan’s angels are called demons.  Satan rebelled against God.  Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels.  It wasn’t originally intended for human beings.  Did you get that?  Jesus said, “I’m going to prepare a place for you.  It’s called heaven.  But hell was prepared for the devil and his angels.” 

If I choose to reject God – just like Satan did – I go where Satan goes.  This place was not  originally planned for human beings.  It was planned as a punishment for Satan and his angels.  So there is a real heaven and there is a real hell.

Here’s the fourth reality: you get to choose where you’ll spend eternity. 

It’s your choice.  This is the same kind of choice that God gave to Israel in the Old Testament.  Back in the book of Deuteronomy, God says this to the people of Israel, “Today, I’m giving you the choice between a blessing and a curse.  You’ll be blessed if you obey the commands of the Lord your God.  Or you’ll receive a curse if you reject Me and My commands.” 

We see this again in Deuteronomy 30:15 & 19 “See!  I have set before you today life and good or death and evil.”  He says, “Here’s a choice.  You can choose between doing good and life or you can choose doing evil and death.”  He says, “If you obey My commandments by loving the Lord your God.  [Again this is the great commandment] and by walking in His ways [He says if you do that] then you’ll live and you’ll multiply and I will bless you.  But if your heart turns away from Me to worship other things [Anything you put before God in your life, you worship.  If you put your career before God, if you put making money before God, if you put having fun before God, anything you put before God becomes your god in your life and you worship it.  …] if your heart turns away from Me to worship other things and to serve them, then you will perish.  Therefore choose life. [You get a choice.]  Choose life that you may live.” 

Let me give you this example. Let’s suppose you are a drug addict and you’re living in the gutter, in Skid Row.  Your life is falling apart because you’re hopelessly addicted to drugs.  You have no home and you haven’t eaten or even bathed in days or weeks and your life is a mess. 

Then someone comes by and says “Let me help you out.  I’m going to pick you up and I’m going to take you home to my house.  And I’m going to give you a bath and I’m going to get you cleaned up and I’m going to give you a new set of clothes.  But that’s not all I’m going to do. I’m going to let you live with me at my house.  You can become a part of my family.  In fact, I’m going to adopt you. You can take my name and I will call you my son. I’m going to pay off all your debts that you owe because you spent all that money on drugs.  If you come with me you will have my name, my credit, you can live in my house and you’re a part of my family.  I’m doing this simply because I love you.   

“However if you live in my house as a part of my family there are some house rules.  You’ve got to abide by these rules if you’re going to live in my house and be a part of my family.  Rule number one is this: we don’t do drugs in this house.  We don’t do drugs at all.  So if you’re going to live here and have access to all these free privileges and resources, we don’t do drugs in my house.” 

The offer is made, “Come live at my house.” But you are free to reject it. You are free to say “No thank you. I am going to stay here.” Is the offer gracious? Yes. Is it made out of love? Yes. Would you be a fool to reject it? Yes. Yet many have. Many have said “No” and stayed on the streets despite the efforts made by moms and dads, brother and sisters.

And my friends, this is the same offer God has given us.  

I hear people all the time say “How could a loving God send people to hell?”  God doesn’t send people to hell. Imagine if you had two children and then were told to make a choice of sending one to the electric chair and the other to Harvard University on full scholarship. You would either refuse to make that choice or, if you were forced to make a choice would go to the electric chair yourself and have both kids go to Harvard. That’s the choice Jesus Christ made. God doesn’t send people to hell but we can choose to go there.

It’s like there’s two doors in eternity.  One goes to heaven, one goes to hell.  The one that goes to heaven says, “You come to Jesus.  This is the house rule.  He’s already paid for your ticket into heaven.  He’s already forgiven you.  All you’ve got to do is accept it.  You just accept what He’s done for you.  It’s a free gift of grace and you go to heaven.”  If you want to go to hell, you just do your own thing.  You say, “No thank you.  I’d rather stick with what I love more.” That is the choice.

The last eternal reality we need to cover today is there’s no chance, no second chance, after you die. 

You get to choose where you’re going to spend eternity.  But you have to choose now while you’re alive, not after you’re dead.  In other words, I can’t walk out this door my way and then say, “I don’t like this.  I want to go back.”  No.  God says, “I gave you an entire lifetime to make this decision and you made it.

So there is no halfway house between heaven and hell.  There is no limbo.  There’s no purgatory. 

Some of you may have been raised Catholic.  Purgatory is not in the Bible.  The word is not even there.  It’s not a Bible idea.  It’s not something that Jesus or God taught.  It’s something that was created eight hundred years ago in the middle ages. In fact, the Catholic Church does teach it anymore. Pope John Paul II stated in a very public way that purgatory was not a real place.  Pope Benedict changed the Catholic catechism and has taken purgatory out.  

My friends, our world and our lives are made up of more than just physical realities, there are spiritual realities too. Instead of focusing our lives solely on the physical and the here-and-now, let’s start living our lives in the light of these spiritual realities.

These are the eternal realities that are going to last forever. God made you to love you; you were made to last forever;  God has prepared two eternal places – heaven and hell;  we get to choose where you’ll spend eternity; and we have a lifetime to make this choice … but no longer. These are the spiritual realities we need to live our lives in the light of.

I want to leave you with 4 questions: why does hell exist?  What is it like?  How do I avoid it?  (That’s the important one.) and What do I do once I know all of this? Come back next week and we will talk about them.

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