Once upon a time there
young married couple that loved each other very much. They had a lot of love in
their marriage but not much else. She had recently graduated with a degree in
Celtic Arts (and we all know the booming job prospects open for Celtic Arts
majors) and he was an artist. As you can imagine, there wasn’t a lot of money
to go around and they struggled to make ends meet. However there came a time
when the young man had enough quality paintings to have a gallery opening. On
their way to the opening, the young couple was in a car accident. The young man
came out without a scratch, however the young woman was severely injured. She
was in a comma for months and eventually passed on. When next she opened her
eyes she was standing before the pearly gates and St Peter was there.
“I guess this means I
am dead,” she said.
“I am afraid so,”
replies St Peter.
“I see you have the Book
of Life open … is my name there?” she asks.
“Why of course it is!” replies
St Peter. “However, before you may enter in there is a test.”
“Oh? What do I have to
“All you have to do is
spell the essence of God … you know … what God is.”
“That is easy” she said
“Correct you are,”
smiles St Peter “Come on in.”
About 50 years later
the young woman is walking by the pearly gates and notices that St Peter is
looking a little weary.
“St Peter … you look a
little tired … would you like to take a little break? I will gladly keep watch
over the gates for a while.”
“Thank you very much,”
replies St Peter. “I really would like a break.”
No sooner does St Peter
leave than her husband appear at the pearly gates. She is overjoyed to see him
and says “So what has been going on with you over the past 50 years?!”
“Well,” he says “things
have really been going well. The tragic story of our accident and you dying on
the way to my art opening brought national attention. A lot of the rich and
famous came and bought my art and ordered pieces. I ended up marrying the nurse
that looked after you while you were in a comma… she was a former Miss America.
Queen Elizabeth and President Obama both commissioned paintings from me and I
have paintings hanging in the Louvre. I guess I can truly say that the best
thing that ever happened to me was your death.”
After a long awkward
silence her husband says “So … ummm … I am at the pearly gates … does that mean
I’ve made it to heaven.”
“Why of course!” she
replies. “However, before you may enter there is a test.”
“Oh? What do I have to
“All you have to do is
spell the God’s favourite animal.”
“Geez … can you give me
a hint.”
“Sure can,” she says
smiling wickedly “Czechoslovakian hippopotamus.”
we are concluding our series on Where do you go when you Die? When we
began this series we said that our world and our lives are made up of
more than just physical realities, there are spiritual realities too. We said
that this realities are that God made you to love you; you were made to last
forever; God has prepared two eternal places – heaven and hell; we get to choose where you’ll spend eternity;
and we have a lifetime to make this choice … but no longer. These are the
spiritual realities that will shape the course of our lives in this world and
the next.
Today we are going to touch on these
last two realities -- we get to choose where you’ll spend eternity; and we have
a lifetime to make this choice … but no longer.
When we start thinking about choosing
where we’ll spend eternity the first place to start is John 3:16. This
is the most famous verse
in the Bible. When I was in Sunday School that was the first verse everyone had
to memorize. In fact, Mrs. Kroft wouldn’t assign any more memory verses until
EVERYONE in the class had it memorized. John 3:16 This is the verse you see the
guy with colored hair standing in the end zone holding up at all the ball
games. John 3:16. It’s the most important verse in the Bible. If you only memorize one verse in the entire
Bible this is the one. This one is your
ticket to heaven. “For God so loved the
world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should
not perish but have everlasting life.”
Why is this verse so important? Because these 6 words:
God’s – only – Son – perish – eternal – life.
The first letters of these words spells gospel. This verse is the heart
of the Gospel.
What is gospel?
Gospel is the old English word for “good news.” Gospel is good news. When you hear about gospel music that means
music that’s about what Jesus did for us.
When you hear about gospel preaching it means somebody’s teaching what
Jesus Christ did for us. When you read this verse you are reading the heart of
the gospel … that God’s only Son came and gave His life for us so that we would
not perish but have everlasting life.
Let me summarize what this verse teaches; Let me
summarize how you can make you choice between Heaven and Hell. Let me summarize
how you can walk through the door named Jesus to get into heaven … it is as
easy as A, B, C, D.
A – Admit
The first thing we do is admit we need a savior to get
to heaven. That means we admit we’re not
perfect. Heaven’s perfect and we’re
not. Admit we’ve blown it. We’ve made mistakes. We’re flawed. We’ve sinned.
We just admit it. We own up to
This is a hard one for some people. Why?
Because of pride. There’s one
thing that will keep us out of heaven – our ego. Our pride.
Our unwillingness to say, “I need God in my life.” I’ve heard people
tell me countless times “I’m a self-made man.”
But one thing I’ve noticed is that self-made men tend to worship their maker. That’s deep!
We have to admit “God is God and I’m not. I need a savior. I can’t earn my way to heaven. I can’t pay my way to heaven. I can’t be good enough to get to heaven. I need a savior.”
Believe me. If
you didn’t need a savior God wouldn’t have wasted the time sending Jesus to die
on the cross. If there was any other way
for you to get to heaven, don’t you think He would have done a less painful way
than come Himself and die on the cross for you?
There was no other way for you to get into heaven. So first I admit that I need a savior.
B – I Believe that Jesus died for me.
Believe means more than head knowledge. It means I trust in, I rely on, I surrender
to, I commit myself to. It’s more than
head knowledge. Romans 10:9 says this “If you confess with your mouth Jesus is
Lord and if you believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead [that’s
what Easter is all about] you will be
What does it mean to confess with your mouth “Jesus is
Lord.” We don’t have lords and ladies
today. We don’t have a feudal system. We’re a democracy. So what does it mean Jesus is Lord?
“Lord” is just the old English word for “boss, master,
the guy in control.” It means making the
things that are important to Jesus important to you. It means loving what Jesus
loves. Valuing what Jesus values. Doing what Jesus did … using you time,
talents, and gifts, and supporting what Jesus supported … using your finances.
And you do that be getting to know Him and beginning and deepening your
relationship with Him.
That’s what it means to make Jesus the Lord of your
life. We spend a whole lot of time pursuing what this world says is important.
This is how we start doing the things that God says is important.
So I admit I need a savior to get to heaven. I believe that Jesus died for me, I confess
Him as Lord. And…
C – Commit yourself to Jesus.
I say “Lord I want to do Your plan for my life. I want to do the purpose You put me here on
earth to do. Not my purpose. I’m going to go, not my way anymore. I’m going to go Jesus’ way. I’m going to go God’s way. I’m going to go the way God created me to
go. I commit myself to You.”
That commitment, you need to do it publicly. Imagine if I said to Ruth, my wife “Honey,
I’m committed to you. So let’s get
married but let’s don’t tell anybody about it.”
What kind of commitment would that be?
Imagine what she would say, “Hey Buster!
Are you ashamed of me? You won’t
tell anybody about me? If you won’t tell
anybody about me then you aren’t really committed to me.” A private commitment is no commitment at
all. You’ve got to make it public
So I stood up one day in public and I said, “I do,” in
front of a bunch of people. And I wear a
ring everywhere I go. This wedding ring
says the same thing MC Hammer used to say “Ladies, can’t touch this.” The point is, I wear this because I’m proud
of my wife and I love her and I am committed to my wife. Till death do us part.
What is the wedding ring of the Christian life? There are two ways – baptism and joining the
Being baptized and joining a church doesn’t make you a
believer. It shows that you are. It’s the wedding ring. This ring doesn’t make me married. It just shows that I am. Have you been baptized? If you haven’t been baptized what are you
waiting on? Does anybody know that you’re a believer? If you were arrested for being a Christian
would there be enough evidence to convict you? Are you ashamed of Jesus
Jesus said this, “If
anyone acknowledges Me publicly here on earth, I will openly acknowledge that
person before My Father which is in heaven.
But if anyone denies Me here on earth,
I will deny that person before My Father in heaven.”
Baptism isn’t only for the infants, I was 30 when I
was baptized. The minster needed back surgery after he picked me up and carried
me around the sanctuary. Are you embarrassed or too proud to get baptized? If
so remember my comment earlier about pride keeping us out of Heaven.
Another way you can stand up publicly is join a
church. Friends, it doesn’t matter which
church you join as long as it’s a good Bible teaching church. We shouldn’t be in competition with any
church. We’re all on the same team. Whether it is here or elsewhere find a good
Bible teaching church and join … don’t just attend … join. What does joining a
church mean? It means supporting it
financially. It means using it to deepen your faith. It means getting involved
and using your gifts, talents, and time to do the church’s ministry.
One day you’re going to stand before God, you’re going
to stand before Jesus Christ, your Savior, who died on the cross for you. And there will be nail prints in His
hand. He’s going to say, “What did you
do with your life?” He’s not going to be
interested in hearing, “I joined the country club.” Yeah? “I joined the PTA.” Yeah? “I joined a sewing group.” Yeah “I joined Save the Whales.” Yeah? “I joined…” any other social or service
organization. He’s going to say, “Did
you join My family? Did you join the body
of Christ, My body. Did you join My
church, which I died for? You joined
everything else and you didn’t join My body?
My family that I’m going to take with Me forever? What were you thinking?”
I admit, I believe, I commit – my public expression of
that commitment is baptism and being a part of the church. That doesn’t save you. It just shows that you are. It’s not the root, it’s the fruit.
D – I depend on God’s promise.
When I depend on God’s promise, what is the
promise? That “Whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting
In order to remember that promise, God gave us two
symbols – baptism and communion. He said
I want you to remember this, what I’ve done for you, what it cost for Me to get
you into heaven. You couldn’t get to
heaven on your own so I came to earth, I loved you, I taught you, I inspired
you, on the cross I died for you, and if you’ll put your trust in Me, you will
walk through the valley of the shadow of death and into the presence of God,
into heaven.
God gave us 2 symbols to remember His promise to us,
Baptism and Communion. On the night Jesus was betrayed, before He went to the
cross, the Bible says He gathered the people He loved the very best to His
table. He invited Mary and Martha, two women whose devotion to him were unwavering,
He invited Peter, James, and John, men of great faith but who let Him down in
the crunch, He invited Judas, a man perhaps of great intentions but who would
betray Him in the most intimate of ways, yet they were all invited inspite of
their success, inspite of their failures, they were invited. When they had
gathered He took bread and He broke it and He blessed it and He took the cup
and He said, “This represents My body and
My blood that will be shed for you.”
Communion does not save us. These
are the symbols of the reality that saves us.
That Jesus Christ died for us, paid for all of our sins. On that day Jesus said, “I don’t want you to
ever forget how much I love you. I don’t want you to ever forget what I am
willing to do to bring you home. I am don’t want you to ever forget how much
this costs. I don’t want you to ever forget my promise 19 Before
long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live,
you also will live.
And my friends that is the same
promise that God is making to you today 14 Just as Moses lifted up the
snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,[f] 15 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him6 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and
only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
17 For God did not send his
Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
It is through the belief in God’s Son, His
mission, Ministry, and promise that we are able to choose our eternal destiny.
Finally I would like to end with the final spiritual reality that we first started talking about a month ago. We only have a lifetime to make this choice. But that raises a great problem As Paul says in Romans 1013 For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. 14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?
Where can we go to hear about God? The church. Where can we go to be surrounded by believers? The church. Where can we go to deepen our faith? The church. Where can we go to practice our faith? The church. Where can we go to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ? The church. “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. 14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?
This is why this church is so important. It is one of the very important tools that Jesus Christ uses to save us. It is one of the very important vehicles He uses to bring us home. That is why coming to this church is important. That is why getting involved in this church is important. That is why giving your gifts to this church is so important. That is why giving to this church financially is so important. Not just because God is using it as a vehicle for your salvation, but because God is using it as a vehicle for everyone’s salvation … for your children … your grandchildren … and everyone who comes. Our finance committee has asked us to increase our givings by 15%. Don’t you think it’s worth it? Just imagine, there are people in heaven because of what you have done and have given to this church. 14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?
My friends, as we seek to conclude this series, I just want to say this this series has not been about death and dying, it has been about how to live right here in this world ... and by the grace of God … in the next.